1) Name of Exec

2) Title (if has one)

3) Company name

4) Dear Mr./Ms.

5) Ego Boost

6) Format (TV/Movie)

7) Genre

😎 Title

9) Logline

10) Actor Suggestion

11) Director Suggestion

12) Comps (use only successful comps)

13) Offer Synopsis/Pitch Deck/Script

14) Name/email/phone number

15) PS. Accolades for script (won Sundance, etc)


It’s All An Illusion – So Be Aware!

People who have never visited Southern California think that because they see palm trees, ocean, and sunshine that it is a tropical paradise, but it’s really a desert climate, hot and dry during the day and cold at night. Even the palm trees are not real, they are all imported from Hawaii. Life is really an illusion so be careful what you believe #itsallanillusion #screenplay #beliefs #screenwriter #producer